How to use lazySizes with angular | Responsive Images
What is lazySizes ?
lazySizes is the ultimate and lightweight lazyLoader which lazy loads images (including responsive images (picture/srcset)), iframes and scripts. It is written in VanillaJS and with high performance in mind.
Below is the npm command to run in cmd to install lazySizes
npm install lazysizes --save
Then add it to your scripts in angular.json
"scripts": ["node_modules/lazysizes/lazysizes.min.js"]
That’s it. Now you have done setup successfully.
data-srcset="../assets/potrait.jpg 7000w,
../assets/potrait.jpg 1000w,
../assets/landscape.jpg 2000w" class="lazyload"
style="height:90vh" />
I have added 2 images with different ratios and choosed one for potrait and other for landscape.
For the same image tag, the displayed image changes based on the width of the page. I have demonstrated the use of lazySizes, but there are many use cases for this functionality.